Wednesday 2 May 2012

Std. Age Proof


The following certificates are generally accepted as Standard Age Proof:

1. School or College Certificate or authenticated extract from the School or College Records, if the Date of Birth (DOB) is stated therein.

2. Certified extract from Service Register in the case of (i) Govt. and Quasi-Govt Employee (ii) Commercial Institution and Industrial Undertaken including Public Ltd Companies, duly countersigned by the Proposer Provider, Age must have been verified by the employer.

3. Certified Extract from the Municipal or other records made at the time of Birth.

4. Certificate of Baptism or Certified extract from the family Bible, if it contains age or DOB.

5. In the case of Defence Personnel, Identity Cards Issued by the Defence Department to Defence Personnel showing, inter alia, the DOB or age.

6. Identity Cards (Provides DOB is mentioned therein) issued by Govt. Quasi Govt, reputed commercial & Industrial undertaking to their employee.

7. Marriage Certificate in the case of Roman Catholic issued by Roman Catholic Church.

8. Domicile Certificate in which the DOB stated was provided on the basis of one of the Std. Age Proof acceptable to LIC.

9. Passport (Whole Set) issued by the Passport Authority in India (without restriction on Maturity/Premium ceasing age)

10. Horoscopes maintained by a Hindu Family in a Bahi Family horoscope book can be considered as Std. Age Proof provided Manager (NB) is satisfied with its reliability & originally.

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