Monday 9 April 2012



YOUTH : I Can’t Save Now. I am too young to think of saving. I’m just starting out in life and I don’t have anything to save anyway. I’m too busy having fun. Some Day I’ll save.

TEENS : I Can’t Save Now. I’m still young and in school. I can’t save while I’m just getting by. Besides, I’ve got better things to do with my money. When I’m out of school and it starts rolling in, then I’ll save.

TWENTIES : I Can’t Save Now.  I’m just getting established, I’ve got school loans to pay back and there’s the loan on the car, too. I’m not ready to make commitments yet and I want to have fun while I can. There will be time to think about saving later on; then I’ll save.

THIRTIES : I Can’t Save Now. I’ve got family and responsibilities. It costs a lot to raise children and there’s the mortgage on the house too. It takes all I have to make ends meet. When I’m making more and the kids are older, then I’ll save.

FORTIES : I Can’t Save Now. I’ve got kids in college and costs are out of sight. Then there are the weddings. I want to help the kids get started. Expenses are at their highest and it’s hardest time to save, but things will ease off soon. Then I’ll save.

FIFTIES : I Can’t Save Now. Things haven’t worked out like I thought they would. It’s not easy when you are locked in and there’s no opportunities to move up the ladder. I can’t just make a break and start new career. I’m helping to folks, too, now that they need assistance. I’m just barely making ends meet. Something will open up, then I’ll save.

SIXTIES : I Can’t Save Now. I thought things would be better. I wanted to retire earlier but I just can’t do it. I am trying to pay off the last of the mortgage and get other bills taken care of, but things mount up. Remembering the grandchildren and other things take all I have. Guess that’s the way it is. I wish I could save.

SEVENTIES : I Can’t Save Now. I’m too old to save. My social security check and my pension just don’s go far enough. Medical bills and long term care expenses really worry me. I hate being such a burden on my kids. I wish I have saved when I should save. Now it’s too late …… 1 Really CAN’T SAVE NOW.


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